Monday, March 21, 2011

Pressing On......

Hello everyone! I hope and pray you are doing well today! My wife and I went to an appointment today to update our life insurance and part of our doing so included activities like blood work, weight check, etc. I was thrilled today when I did my weight check and had lost another 3 lbs. This puts my current weight at 256 lbs which is a total of 32 lbs lost from the start weight! I am very excited to see results and it continues to motivate me even further!

I am also please to say that I have remained faithful to my Lent commitment of fasting from meat despite the fact that my wife and daughter had fried chicken legs the other evening! hahaha...I have been able to resist the temptation and and continuing to see the benefits from a healthier, meat-free lifestyle.

I cannot thank you enough for the comments, emails, and general support I have received from SO MANY people! Some of you have shared your stories with me about your weight loss, what you have given up for Lent, and countless other encouraging words! Your ministry to me means the world!

I have finally gotten over this sinus infection and feeling strong enough to hit the gym hard this week! Please pray for protection of my exercise time and that I am able to accomplish all that God has for me! Until next time......

1 comment:

Lynn Justice said...

It's great that you are having success! Weight loss can be a difficult thing. I have struggled with mine for as long as I can remember.

Todd, Hannah, and I have started working out at Trinity Health and Fitness. It is an awesome Christ-centered facility near Mary Black. I am grateful that he recently saw the need to make a change in lifestyle, too.

We all are stewards of what the Lord has given us...including our bodies!