Thursday, March 31, 2011

Apologies for the delay!

Sorry it's been so long since I updated! Here's a quick hit on how things have been going.

I have stayed true to my commitment for Lent, 3 weeks in and 3 weeks left. Week 3 has been the most difficult. While not giving in, the temptation to snatch a bite here or there has been crazy! But prayerfully, I have resisted and am still honoring my commitment. Many have asked if I will go get a big steak when Lent is over, and I say "NO WAY!" My body wouldn't know what to do, so I will enter back in slowly. Really though, I may eat less meat simply as a health choice when all is said and done. I know one thing for sure: I will cut back on the portion size of meat, regardless. Thanks for your prayers and support!

I was asked by a friend on Tuesday if I had weighed in yet, and I hadn't! I guess I was so excited that I am noticing a difference in the way my clothes fit that i forgot. I have been noticing the notches on my belt...some notches have never been used before and now they are getting used! I am super excited about this....I did weigh in, and my weight is now at 254 lbs. Overall, from last year, that is a decrease of 34 lbs. I am inching closer to not having to use the slider at the top of the scale and then dropping to a new number at the bottom. This is super exciting for me. While the victories are small right now, they are still victories.

Your words of support and prayers mean the world to me. I could not do it without you. Please remember me as you pray, and I will do the same. God bless!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Back In the Saddle

I am grateful to say that I have recovered enough to get back to the gym. I worked out for one hour and fifteen minutes today. I did a full body circuit which consisted of arms, shoulders, back, legs, abs, and lower back. I could definately tell I had been out sick for a week. I did not notice any substantial loss in strength, but having an illness which affected my respitory system kept me very winded throughout my work out. I quickly learned that 3 sets of 20 was pushing my limits, so I did drop to 3 sets of 15. Even at that, I was coughing and catching my breath at the end of each set. But I was very excited that I could finish the entire workout without giving up.

I was able to work out with my friend Kevin a little today. We hadn't done that in a while. He is recovering from shoulder surgery and his recovery has been a long one: rotator cuff. Please keep him in your prayers as he will return to work very soon. Pray for healing and strength as he continues to recover.

I know that sharing the details of my workouts may not be the most entertaining reading and I appreciate you trudging through it for me. I am asking you to read through something which helps me keep accountable. In actuality, I am writing this blog for an audience of one: me (notice the lower case "o" in one) However, so many of you have somehow sought to encourage me, and at times, even draw some strength from my keeping this blog open and real. That is an honor to me, all of your words and encouragment. If you draw motivation and desire from tracking my progress, so be it. I praise God for using my struggle to help others. But for those of you who are just along for the ride to help me, thank you to you as well. I believe with all my heart, that when I reach my goal, (and I will reach it), I can look back and give thanks to God for surrounding me with such great support. I will get there.....I will reach my goal.....I will overcome the struggle of being fit. And I will do it because of Him....

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pressing On......

Hello everyone! I hope and pray you are doing well today! My wife and I went to an appointment today to update our life insurance and part of our doing so included activities like blood work, weight check, etc. I was thrilled today when I did my weight check and had lost another 3 lbs. This puts my current weight at 256 lbs which is a total of 32 lbs lost from the start weight! I am very excited to see results and it continues to motivate me even further!

I am also please to say that I have remained faithful to my Lent commitment of fasting from meat despite the fact that my wife and daughter had fried chicken legs the other evening! hahaha...I have been able to resist the temptation and and continuing to see the benefits from a healthier, meat-free lifestyle.

I cannot thank you enough for the comments, emails, and general support I have received from SO MANY people! Some of you have shared your stories with me about your weight loss, what you have given up for Lent, and countless other encouraging words! Your ministry to me means the world!

I have finally gotten over this sinus infection and feeling strong enough to hit the gym hard this week! Please pray for protection of my exercise time and that I am able to accomplish all that God has for me! Until next time......

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Milestone Weigh In Today

I had reported of my sickness in the last post and I am continuing to recover. I am about 75% right now and still taking antibiotics and hope to return to my workouts by Thursday. However, I do have some good news to share.

I do need to preface my news by saying that 1. I did eat regularly while being ill and drank plenty of fluids as my appetite wasn't affected by my severe sinus infection. 2.My workouts ended the day after I begin feeling ill, so my last workout was last Thursday. 3. I began my Lent practice of giving up meat on that same day (thrusday) and have remained 100% faithful to that comittment. So in summary, I haven't worked out in nearly a week, have maintained a healthy eating lifestyle, and have remained faithful to my Lent committment.

So, the milestone weigh day should have been yesterday but I was home recovering and came to the office this morning to play catch up and weighed about my shock and surprise, I had lost 5 lbs!!!!!!!!! This dropped my weight to 259lbs, breaking the 260 mark for the first time in "I can't even remember"! I did it three times to make sure I wasn't missing something, and it was correct!!!!!! Even though I still feel subpar, I couldn't help but smile! So far, my total weight loss stands at 6 lbs and that has been during a very interrupted time of exercise. Honestly, I believe cutting out meat has made more of a difference than I thought. At any rate, I am now EXTREMELY excited to be healthy enough to resume work outs, but also realistic enough to know that I must fully recover from the last 4-5 days of meds and sickness before busting the gym wide open again. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS! It's the only way I keep on keeping on!

Ironically, I think what I am excited about most is this: Another 10 lbs lost, and I won't have to set the scale on "250" and then use the slide above it....From where I began at 288 and to get down to 249, would eliminate the slide for me....that makes me want to cry, in a good way of course. A very practical, visual reminder of how far God has brought me!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bad Timing!

Sorry there hasn't been an update in a few days. Please remember me in prayer as I am battling a combination of the flu and sinus infection....sorry nothing to report but when I am better, I will pick it back up! thanks!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Getting Ready for the "Lent" Down!

I hope everyone is having a great day today! Tomorrow begins the season of lent and many people willing give up something during lent to focus on the relationship with God. For me, voluntarily depriving oneself of something in order to focus more on God is a worthy task. Some give up chocolate, some soft drinks, some TV, and a host of other "stuff". I have not participated in Lent before, but this year I have decided to committ to it. I felt as though it must be something I appreciate and something that would be difficult for me to do without. That way, in moments of weakness and temptation, I can remember how much following through the committment will mean after the 40 days. I also thought with this renewed committment to a healthier lifestyle that I would try to incorporate what I give up into this lifestyle change. So, having said all of that, I have prayerfully decided to give up eating meat for Lent. I am a CARNIVORE! Most meals aren't meals without some type of animal meat on the plate for me. However, I know this would be a healthy choice in one regard. I can find my source of proteins in various other forms. More importantly, I hope that giving up physical meat will increase my appetitie for the spiritual meat of God's word. So, I guess my challenge to each of you is this...are you practicing Lent, and if so, what are you giving up? Please share your thoughts! Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bye Bye to "Fat Tuesday"

While much of creation crams their last bit of indulgence into this day known as "Fat Tuesday", I chose to do things a little differently. I decided that Fat Tuesday would be an extra hard workout day to protest the day! I did a circuit work out consisting of 8 exercises today---3 sets of 20 in each exercise. First, I did upper body circuit consisting of shoulder presses, seated rows, biceps curls, bench press, and triceps extensions. I did each exercise 3 sets/20 reps with no rest between each station. After finishing a set of shoulder presses, I moved to the seated rows, and then to curs, etc. Doing this rotation 3 times with no rest between proved to be pretty exciting. I found myself wanting to push harder as the rotations continued. Then, I took five minutes to set up a 3 station circuit for my legs. I did leg presses, quad extensions, and hamstring curls. Again, same pattern. No rest between. The extensions and curls can be done on the same machine with at most a 5 second change in position. So, still no rest between sets. 3 sets of 20 reps each and I felt really good! I could tell I had worked, but can also tell me trips to the gym are paying off. It was a great workout today and I can't wait until tomorrow morning to hit the gym again and then hit aerobics class for the first time tomorrow at 2! Please keep praying for me! I am eating healthy and maintaining a good energy level. Now that I fell the difference, I am excited every day to get up and hit the workout running. Have a blessed day and thanks for the support!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday Update

It's the beginning of week two, and I am happy to provide updates on a few things. First, I weighed in this morning and had only lost one pound. I attribute this to a couple of things: first, I did not get near as much cardio in last week as I needed to. So, this week, some adjustments will be made to do a lot more cardio. second, i lifted alot last week and am lifting much lighter weight and higher reps. While i have not noticed the decrease in weight as I had hoped, I did notice a difference in the way my clothes are beginning to feel, a difference to the good mind you! My eating habits have greatly improved over the last week and getting back into the workout routine is proving to be more exciting than dreadful. today, i have a theology 2 mid-term which i am taking a break from studying for to write this. however, i did hit the gym this morning and do a 5 exercise circuit to hit my arms, chest, and back before heading off to study.

To combat the lack of cardio from last week, i am going to make two changes this week. first, i am going to add some cardio at home on the eliptical machine and not just do cardio at the gym. second, we have a fantastic aerobics teacher in our church family who is beginning some new classes at the church. most classes meet in the evening which are not convenient for me, but she is teaching one on weds. at 2:30 in the afternoon. so, this week i am going to join that class. i will continue to monitor my diet, not starve, and hope by adding this additional cardio to see a little more weight come off in the next week.

here's how you can pray for me this week: 1. pray that my study time in protected from distraction. 2. pray that i am able to focus on cardio work this week. 3. pray that i am able to schedule in my workouts so that my family time does not suffer. 4. pray that i continue to feel as energized and excited about pursuing my goals! Thanks for all of your support! I pray you have a great day! Until next time........

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Seeing a glimpse of Jesus

Here's an update of how things have gone this week with the "project"--Weds and Thursday were great days of workouts/cardio and I have continued to remain faithful to eating smaller portions of MUCH healthier foods. I am a few days away from Monday's weigh in and whether or not I have lost much weight this week, I certainly can tell a difference in my energy level and overall attitude towards continuing towards the goal. Friday was a family day. I did not work out but continued eating well. My wife and I took our son to a 9 month well check-up and he's doing great! Then, we grocery shopped and had lunch and then spent the evening with our family just hanging out. So Saturday is back to it.

While keeping you posted about the progress is the main point of this blog, I had to share what happened in two of the instances I mentioned earlier in the week. Weds morning I went to the hospital to see two folks in two pretty scary situations. The first gentleman had been tested, scanned, and biopsied for a tumor in a lymph node which was positive for cancer. The surgery he faced was to remove the lymph node, send it to the lab to specify which type of cancer it was, and then proceed with treatment accordingly. The second gentleman I visited had a lung biopsy done the week previous week, same scenario as above--cancer. During his biopsy, they had punctured the lung and a hole was not healing so they were unable to perform the necessary radiation and chemotherapy. He had chest tubes done numerous times because the lung was collapsed and would not fill properly.

I stopped down to have prayer with the first gentleman and his wife before his surgery at 8AM. We had prayer, and then I ventured upstairs to visit the second gentleman. When I arrived in his room, the doctor had already been to see him and things were not improving in regards to the hole in the lung and there didn't seem much hope in resuming treatments for his cancer. We had prayer, and I went back down to sit with the family during surgery for the first gentleman. At about 10AM the surgeon came out to speak to the family and was smiling from ear to ear. After all the positive results for cancer, the lymph node was removed and was totally benign! He stayed over night and went home the next day. There were two options for him as he entered surgery---both cancer. But God saw fit to grant him a third option......NO CANCER! When the doctor told his wife, and then she shared with us, it was assuredly a holy moment because we had been present to a true miracle of God. It was amazing!

After this, I went back upstairs to check in on gentleman number 2---in the two hours since first visiting, something had happened....his lung began to fill and the hole was closing allowing them to remove a chest tube and continue his cancer treatments. In two hours times, I had been physically present to witness two miracles just 2 floors from one another in the same hospital.

It had nothing to do with me, my prayer, or faithfulness to visit my flock. It is all part of God's amazing power to do what man thinks impossible. It sounds almost melodramatic, and even unrelated, but if God can cure cancer and seal a pin sized whole in a lung in a matter of moments, He surely can help me accomplish something as little as being a healthier person. But I needed to see what happened on Weds. It reminded me of the power of the God I serve and that He is capable of immeasurably more than we can ever hope or dream!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Weds. Morning Update

Today is a very hectic day! Please pray I have time to fit in at least some cardio today. Please pray for church members facing surgery this morning, those in the hospital, and those in Hospice care. My morning and afternoon will be spent ministering to these families. Breakfast was Cheerio's and a banana with a glass of OJ. I got a good night's rest and am ready to face this day. Thanks for all your prayers and support! Got to run for now, but will update later! Have a great day!!!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stormy Weather

Hello all! I did not get to post last night because we had some pretty severe storms and the computers were all off....SO, time to play a little catch up. I will let you know about yesterday and how today began and will update later tonight as well

MONDAY--Monday was a great day! I ate a healthy breakfast consisting of a bowl of Raisin Bran Cereal and half of a grapefruit. Then, I went to the gym and did a mile on the treadmill and then did a great lower body workout. I went to the office and did some studying for Weds night and Sunday morning, then ate a good lunch. I had a bowl of Progresso Soup and drank water. After lunch, I headed to GWU to knock out my Theology II class from 1 to 4:05. Came home, had a quick dinner with the family. While it probably paled in comparison to my other meals of the day, I did watch the portion sizes to eliminate an over eating. All in all, a great first day! Starting weight as of today--265 Next weigh in--Monday, March 6th!

TUESDAY--(beginning)--Started off this morning with a warm up on the treadmill and then proceeded to do an upper body workout focusing on my back,shoulders arms, and midsection. Made it to the office about 9:15. For breakfast today, I ate the other half of my grapefruit from Monday and a fruit salad made from pears, peaches, and grapes. The lunch plan is soup again today before heading to GWU to knock out Capstone Seminar and Chapel. As of next week, I am half way finished with my LAST semester of MDV work and then on to doctoral work. Until then, my morning will consist of more study, and a meeting with Michelle as we look at making some moves in worship to enhance our time together. Prayers appreciated and I will get back with you on the rest of the day. Your encouragement and support mean the world! I figure if I can be authentic and real with each of you, then maybe we can all begin to deal with those things which nag us day in and day out. Until later......