Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Make Yourself Accountable

If you are reading this blog, you will have responded to the cyber invite to help me out in my new endeavor. I have found something to be very true...if you want people to be in your business, put something on the internet! Most can't resist! While many people don't want others poking around in their closets, I am inviting, in fact begging you, to follow this blog!

"The Disappearing Pastor" is my new accountability. Now granted, most of you will not care one iota about this, but some of you will. I am almost finished with my MDIV in Christian Education and Spiritual Formation and am soon beginning Doctoral work in the area of Pulpit Communication and Expository Preaching. I am doing everything I can to prepare myself spiritually and intellectually to be the best pastor I can be. However, God has really been impressing on my heart that I need to be taking better care of myself physically. A year ago, I was the heaviest I had ever been....288lbs. As of today, I have lost 23lbs and am down to 265lbs. You may not care to know the details, but authenticity forces me to face the numbers and share them with others for accountability. SO....why this invite to participate with me?

I need you to go down this road with me. The only way I can be totally committed to this is to share it with others. Call it crazy, but if I know that people care, I am more apt to not let you down.....yes, I know....a people pleasing mentality. Nevertheless, it works for me in areas like this. Beginning Monday, Feb. 28, I will be posting daily about what workouts I did, how I fared during the day with my goals, and where I am headed next. Each week, on Monday, I will do a weigh in and report my progress. If I know you are praying for me and encouraging me, I can't help but succeed. So, if you will join me, simply "follow" this blog and comment along the, insights, what's worked for you, frustrations you faced in your journey....whatever. Maybe this pastor can do a little disappearing.....