Thursday, April 7, 2011

Moving Forward

It's been a rough week around the Showen household! Both of our kids have been sick and continue to be sick at the time of this writing. My wife has been surrounded by them daily now for almost a week! She is most truly a warrior! Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to pray for healing for the kids and protection for myself and Andrea that we do not get whatever sickness this is.

This morning was my annual check up day at the doctor. Had the routine blood work done and talked with him. I weighed in at the doctor today and my weight was 250lbs even! I was very excited. He noticed on the chart that since my last visit I had lost 38lbs. He was very encouraging, told me he was proud of my efforts, and to keep going! This was the first time in a long time that I was actually eager to be weighed at the doctor because it would give me something to look back on and see my progress so far!

I have been reluctant to set a final number as to where I would like to end up weight wise. Genetics tell me I will never be thin thin and healthy. I would like to end and maintain around 210. That would be a loss of 78 pounds total and at that weight I would be in really good shape, even though my stature is short, my build at 210 would be healthy. If you have seen my shoulders, you know why I will never be "skinny"! hahaha

Once again, thanks for the prayers and may God bless you in your efforts as well!

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