Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stormy Weather

Hello all! I did not get to post last night because we had some pretty severe storms and the computers were all off....SO, time to play a little catch up. I will let you know about yesterday and how today began and will update later tonight as well

MONDAY--Monday was a great day! I ate a healthy breakfast consisting of a bowl of Raisin Bran Cereal and half of a grapefruit. Then, I went to the gym and did a mile on the treadmill and then did a great lower body workout. I went to the office and did some studying for Weds night and Sunday morning, then ate a good lunch. I had a bowl of Progresso Soup and drank water. After lunch, I headed to GWU to knock out my Theology II class from 1 to 4:05. Came home, had a quick dinner with the family. While it probably paled in comparison to my other meals of the day, I did watch the portion sizes to eliminate an over eating. All in all, a great first day! Starting weight as of today--265 Next weigh in--Monday, March 6th!

TUESDAY--(beginning)--Started off this morning with a warm up on the treadmill and then proceeded to do an upper body workout focusing on my back,shoulders arms, and midsection. Made it to the office about 9:15. For breakfast today, I ate the other half of my grapefruit from Monday and a fruit salad made from pears, peaches, and grapes. The lunch plan is soup again today before heading to GWU to knock out Capstone Seminar and Chapel. As of next week, I am half way finished with my LAST semester of MDV work and then on to doctoral work. Until then, my morning will consist of more study, and a meeting with Michelle as we look at making some moves in worship to enhance our time together. Prayers appreciated and I will get back with you on the rest of the day. Your encouragement and support mean the world! I figure if I can be authentic and real with each of you, then maybe we can all begin to deal with those things which nag us day in and day out. Until later......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds good