Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Milestone Weigh In Today

I had reported of my sickness in the last post and I am continuing to recover. I am about 75% right now and still taking antibiotics and hope to return to my workouts by Thursday. However, I do have some good news to share.

I do need to preface my news by saying that 1. I did eat regularly while being ill and drank plenty of fluids as my appetite wasn't affected by my severe sinus infection. 2.My workouts ended the day after I begin feeling ill, so my last workout was last Thursday. 3. I began my Lent practice of giving up meat on that same day (thrusday) and have remained 100% faithful to that comittment. So in summary, I haven't worked out in nearly a week, have maintained a healthy eating lifestyle, and have remained faithful to my Lent committment.

So, the milestone weigh day should have been yesterday but I was home recovering and came to the office this morning to play catch up and weighed about 10:30...to my shock and surprise, I had lost 5 lbs!!!!!!!!! This dropped my weight to 259lbs, breaking the 260 mark for the first time in "I can't even remember"! I did it three times to make sure I wasn't missing something, and it was correct!!!!!! Even though I still feel subpar, I couldn't help but smile! So far, my total weight loss stands at 6 lbs and that has been during a very interrupted time of exercise. Honestly, I believe cutting out meat has made more of a difference than I thought. At any rate, I am now EXTREMELY excited to be healthy enough to resume work outs, but also realistic enough to know that I must fully recover from the last 4-5 days of meds and sickness before busting the gym wide open again. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS! It's the only way I keep on keeping on!

Ironically, I think what I am excited about most is this: Another 10 lbs lost, and I won't have to set the scale on "250" and then use the slide above it....From where I began at 288 and to get down to 249, would eliminate the slide for me....that makes me want to cry, in a good way of course. A very practical, visual reminder of how far God has brought me!


Laura said...

Awesome job Kris! Keep up your hard work... you're melting away!

pmbcgirl said...

Keep up the good work, my friend. I have lost a total of 5 lbs in the last three weeks! My road is slow and steady, but that's okay for now. I'm so happy for the progress you're making.